Purchase Orders
Name Type Description View or download
PHSC Purchase Order Federal Terms Purchase Orders Purchase Order Federal Terms and Conditions highlight the rights and obligations of the College and the vendor for goods procured using federal funds. phsc-po-federal-terms-a11y.pdf
PHSC Purchase Order Terms and Conditions Purchase Orders Purchase Order Federal Terms and Conditions highlight the rights and obligations of the College and the vendor for goods procured using federal funds. 2024-08-phsc-terms-and-conditions.pdf
RFP/RFQ Request
Name Type Description View or download
2025-02 SCBA Compressor RFQ RFP/RFQ Request This Request for Quotation is to solicit quotes for a breathing air compressor and cascade system for our Fire Science Program. 2025-02-rfq-scba-compressor.pdf
2025-03 RFQ - Notice of Intent to Award RFP/RFQ Request After a thorough review of the proposals submitted, the President intends to award RFQ 2025-03 SCBA Compressor to Ten-8 Fire & Safety of Bradenton, FL for $74,653.51. 2025-03-rfq-notice-intent-to-award.pdf
Vendor Application
Name Type Description View or download
Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization (EFT) Form Vendor Application Electronic Fund Transfer Authorization (EFT) Form phsc-bge-77-vendor-ach-eft-authorization-a11y.pdf
Human Trafficking Affidavit Vendor Application Section 787.06(13), Florida Statutes requires all nongovernmental entities executing, renewing, or extending a contract with a governmental entity...to provide an affidavit that the nongovernmental entity does not use coercion for labor or services. 2024-08-phsc-human-trafficking-affidavit.pdf
Vendor Application Form Vendor Application A vendor Application is required to be completed to do business with the College. Must also include a fully signed and executed W-9 form. phsc-bge-62-vendor-registration-a11y.pdf
W-9 Form Vendor Application W-9 Form for vendors who want to do business with PHSC w9.pdf