Understanding the Process of DCF Exemptions 

The required document needed in order to process the DCF exemption is Form CF-FSP 5220 that contains an actual signature of a Department of Children and Families representative or Community Based Care Lead Agency representative, along with their contact information. 

DCF Exemption Process

A student submits their DCF Exemption documentation to Student Financial Services one time, upon being accepted to PHSC. Once the student account is registered as being on a DCF exemption, this eligibility will roll from term to term until the expiration date listed on the form has passed. The removal of the fees occur when the overnight process is ran in the Banner student system. If registration is completed by 6 p.m., the removal of fees should be able to be seen the following morning. If the student registers after 6 p.m., the removal of fees will not process until the nightly jobs are ran the following evening. The best way to confirm that your fees have been exempted is to view the On-Demand Statement in the Bobcat Student Portal using the below path: 

  • Log into the Bobcat Student Portal
  • Select the "Banner Student Self Service" Dashboard
  • Click on "Account Information"
  • Then select the "Pay Now" button, which will pass you through to the TouchNet payment provider site. If you are using a mobile device, the pay now button is located under the 3 dots, drop down button.
  • Once you are in the TouchNet payment provider site, you can select the house icon from the top left and then select the "On Demand Statement" button. 
  • Your balance on the bottom of the page will reflect $0 tuition charges.

Exceptions to the DCF Exemption Process

  • A DCF exemption will not cover a third (3rd) attempt on a class. The student will be responsible for the full cost of instruction on the third attempt.
  • A DCF exemption will not cover books or course materials of any kind.

For questions regarding eligibility or how to obtain a signed Tuition and Fee Exemption form, CF-FSP 5220, contact your local Community-Based Care Lead Agency or the Office of Continuing Care at 1-850-300-HOPE (1-850-300-4673). Or you can reach out to your DCF contact person. 

For form submissions and questions, send an email to Student Financial Services.